Top Neurology Conferences | Global Clinical Neurophysiology Research Events | International Neurosurgery Meetings | Worldwide Congress on Brain Health | Best Central Nervous System Seminars | Children neuro & nervous Diseases Diagnosis Symposium | Annual Neuromuscular diseases Summits |Amsterdam | Netherlands

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About Conference

Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Neurologists, scheduled for February 20-21, 2025, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We are excited to bring together leading experts and enthusiasts in neurology for an enriching experience filled with insightful discussions and networking opportunities. Join us in the beautiful city of Amsterdam for this exceptional event dedicated to advancing neurological knowledge and practices. NEUROLOGISTS MEET 2025 will serve as a dynamic platform for neurologists, physicians, medical professionals, researchers, scholars, students, and professionals in the neuroscience and pharmaceutical industries to present their research and new techniques in the fields of neurology and neuroscience.

The conference will feature interactive sessions and sub-sessions that emphasize innovation and emerging trends in Neurology, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Disorders, and Neurodegenerative Diseases. We also welcome proposals on additional relevant topics, including Neuroinflammation, Neuropharmacology, Brain Injury, and Neurorehabilitation. The event aims to foster collaboration and address challenges in neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. It provides a platform for experts in cognitive neuroscience, neurogenetics, and neuropsychiatry from both academia and industry. Attendees can look forward to keynote lectures from leading scientists and industry experts, panel discussions, poster competitions, and a Young Researcher Forum. NEUROLOGISTS MEET 2025 aims to deliver diverse and up-to-date education, ensuring that medical professionals are well-informed on the latest methodologies, strategies, and advancements in neurology.

The Young Researcher Awards at NEUROLOGISTS MEET 2025 will recognize outstanding research by Masters, PhD, and Post-Doctorate candidates through the Young Researcher Forum. Limited to just 25 presentations, this forum is part of the larger NEUROLOGISTS MEET 2025 conference, which is among many neuroscience conferences held globally each year. These conferences aim to bring together researchers worldwide to share knowledge and collaborate on innovative solutions for impactful neurological research.

Conference Highlights:

  • Research Presentations: Researchers will present their latest discoveries on topics such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cognitive disorders, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Clinical Updates: Clinicians will provide insights into new treatment protocols, drug advancements, and case studies that highlight best practices and innovative approaches to patient care.
  • Workshops and Training: Engage in hands-on workshops and training sessions to learn new techniques, technologies, and methodologies in neurology.
  • Keynote Addresses: Leading neurology experts will deliver keynote speeches on groundbreaking research and emerging trends in the field.
  • Poster Sessions: These sessions offer researchers, especially those early in their careers, an interactive and informal setting to present their work.
  • Networking Opportunities: The conference will provide numerous opportunities to network with peers, mentors, and industry leaders, fostering collaboration, mentorship, and professional growth.
  • Exhibitions: Companies and organizations will showcase their latest products, technologies, and services related to neurology.

Join us in Amsterdam for an unforgettable experience that will expand your knowledge and professional network while contributing to the global dialogue on neurological science and innovation.

Sessions and Tracks

Neurology is that the branch of drug attached the examination and analysis of diseases of the system. The system could also be a complex; wise that regulates and coordinates body conditioning and it's a brace of major divisions ’ central system and supplemental system likewise as their coverings, blood vessels, and each one effector towel, like muscle. The croaker United Nations agency are professional in neurology is known as specialist. The specialist trained to probe, or diagnose and treat a complaint that affects the brain, funiculus, and jitters. Neurologists don't perform surgery if any case wants surgery they raise neurosurgeons.

  • Central nervous system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • General neurology
  • Cerebrovascular unwellness
  • Behavioral neurology

Clinical neuroscience may be a remedial specialty that studies the central and supplemental nervous systems through the attestation of bioelectrical exertion, whether or not robotic or stirred up. It involves the study of each pathophysiology alongside clinical ways habit to identification each in supplemental and central system. Examinations in clinical neuroscience field do not feel to be confined to tests conducted in a veritably laboratory. Tests that square measure conducted square measure involved with exertion the electrical functions of the brain, jitters within the branches & muscles and medulla spinals.

  • Electromyography
  • Electroencephalography
  • Evoked capabilities
  • Polysomnography
  • Intraoperative observation

Neurosurgery could be a drug involved with the hindrance, identification and treatment of cases with injury or conditions diseases of the brain, medulla spinals and supplemental jitters inner all rudiments of the body. WHO focuses on surgical process is allowed as medico they are not solely brain surgeons, still they will medically trained neurosurgical specialists WHO may grease cases full of back and neck pain likewise as indispensable conditions starting from tic douloureux to go injury and encephalopathy.

  • Vascular surgical process
  • Stereotactic surgical process/ practical neurosurgery
  • Oncological surgical process
  • Skull base surgery
  • Spinal surgical process
  • Pediatric surgical process

The Central nervous system is that the part of the system nervous conforming of the brain and neural structure. It’s appertained as central as a result of it combines data from the complete body and coordinated exertion over the full organism. System nervous central diseases will have an effect on either the brain or the neural structure that conclusion in medical specialty diseases or neurologic diseases. The causes of system nervous central conditions square measure the neurology, trauma, response diseases, infections, structural blights, degeneration and tumours. Therefore then we tend to target on mood diseases, neurodegenerative conditions, madness praecox and pattern. Contagious complaint is Associate in Nursing nearly rare infection that affects the fragile membranes known as meninx that cowl the brain and neural structure. By infection or disinclinations, inflammation of brain happens, it's appertained to as phrenitis.

  • Bipolar complaint
  • Neuropathic pain runs
  • Accessory whim-whams complaint
  • CNS complaint and structural blights
  • Facial whim-whams disfunction
  • Meningitis
  • Curatives for inheritable diseases

Pediatric neurology happens largely in kiddies or teenagers. Neurology influences around six in one hundred kiddies. Neurology in youths is of 3 essential kinds in whom 2 area unit ischaemic neurology during which blockage of modes outgrowth in absence of blood sluice and damage. At the purpose once a hallway is blocked, the term vessel ischaemic neurology (AIS) is employed. At the purpose once a tone is block, the term utilised is cerebral Sino thrombosis (CSVT). Within the third form, hurt neurology (HS), the tone crack as against being blocked. The foremost noble signs and aspect goods of neurology incorporate the unforeseen look of failing or nothingness of the face, arm or leg, a lot of generally than not on one aspect of the body.

  • Movement diseases (Cerebral paresis)
  • Muscle conditions
  • Lysosomal storehouse unwellness
  • Development diseases
  • Brain deformations

Neuromuscular diseases have an effect on the jitters that operation your own voluntary muscles. Voluntary muscles square measure those that we're suitable to operation by our tone like in your arms and legs. Your whim-whams cells jointly appertained to as neurons, shoot the dispatches that operation these muscles. Formerly the neurons come delicate or die, communication between your system and muscles breaks down. As a result, your muscles weaken and waste down this weakness will affect in cramp, cramps, pangs, and common pain and movement issues. Frequently it jointly affects heart perform and your capability to breathe.

  • Amyotrophic side pathology
  • Multiple pathology
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Spinal muscular atrophy

Psychiatry is that the restorative speciality committed to the determination, avoidance, and treatment of the internal issue. These incorporate completely different maladaptation’s known with disposition, conduct, appreciation, and compliances. Introductory internal appraisal of a person generally starts with a history and internal standing examination. Cerebral wisdom is that the wisdom of gets and minds that as well as apprehensive and unconscious conditions also as study and feeling. Physical examinations and internal tests may be directed exemplifications like neuroimaging or indispensable neuroscience procedures area unit utilised.

  • Psychology
  • Types of sick person medical care
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Comforting and psychotherapy

Chine diseases do in folks anyhow of their age- spina bifida in babies to spinal stricture inside the aged. Causes of spinal cord diseases embrace in the main injuries, infections, blocked blood force, and contraction by a broken bone or a growth. The boost in spinal diseases has been met with a vault in advancements inside the individual ways. Examination chine, MRI, X- shafts CT and law enforcement agency unit variety of the generally used tools in diagnosing spinal diseases.

  • Scoliosis
  • Lumbar spinal stricture
  • Spina bifida
  • Cauda equine pattern
  • Excrescences

Neurogenetic and neurometabolic abnormalities are diseases that have an effect on still the brain functions. They do in youthful kiddies of all periods, races and genders. Neurogenetic sickness is that the marquee term of habitual conditions that describe the brain abnormalities that do following changes within the genes of the sprat and these cause bound brain cells to develop and performance abnormally. Within the case of neurometabolic abnormalities; these diseases affect from issues within the enzymes of the body’s cells that are either unfit to either use foods to supply the energy the cell solicitations, or get avert the breakdown wares of the foods used.

  • Biochemical biology
  • Gene mutation and sickness
  • Neural engineering
  • Inheritable engineering and factor sequencing
  • Cancer neurogenetics
  • Huntington sickness

Neuropharmacology is that the examination of still drug influence cellular operate within the system and thus the neural system through that they impact geste. There square measure 2 branches of neuropharmacology behavioural and molecular. behavioural in the main focuses on the study of still drug that have an effect on mortal geste ( neuropsychopharmacology) as well as the study of still medicine dependence and dependence affect the mortal brain. Molecular neuropharmacology involves the study of neurons and their organic emulsion communication with the thing of developing drug that have helpful goods on drug operate.

  • Anti-anxiety drug
  • Recent medicine development
  • Neuroimmuno pharmacological drug
  • Neuro chemical commerce
  • Rearmost advancement in neuropharmacological medical aid
  • Genome wide association studies

Neuroscience generally appertained to as neural wisdom, and it's one among the foremost specialised fields of medicines within the world. This field of medicine focuses on the health of the nervous system as well as the brain and funiculus. neurobiology nanny could be a nursing professed that recommendation cases tortured by neurologic issues like injuries like head and spinal trauma from accidents or complaint like Parkinson’s illness, meningitis, inflammation, epilepsy, and circulated sclerosis| sclerosis| induration| degenerative complaint}. Neurobiology nurses also trouble with cases tortured by strokes and birth blights that have affected the nervous system.

  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurotrauma( brain and funiculus injury)
  • Neuroscience critical/ ferocious care
  • Long- term neurologic conditions( stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s illness, epilepsy)
  • Life- limiting neurologic conditions( motor neurone illness, Huntingdon’s complaint)

Neuroscience generally known as a neural wisdom, and it's one in every of the foremost specialised fields of medicines within the world. This field of medicine focuses on the health of the system as well as the brain and medulla spinalis. Neurobiology nanny could be a nursing professed that recommendation cases littered with neurologic issues like injuries like head and spinal trauma from accidents or complaint like Parkinson’s sickness, meningitis, greenishness, epilepsy, and MS| sclerosis| induration| degenerative complaint}. Neurobiology nurses jointly trouble with cases littered with strokes and birth blights that have affected the system.

  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurotrauma( brain and medulla spinalis injury)
  • Neuroscience critical/ ferocious care
  • Long- term neurologic conditions( stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s sickness, epilepsy)
  • Life- limiting neurologic conditions( motor neurone sickness, Huntingdon’s complaint)

The abnormal cell growth and unanticipated responses going down from central system ends up in lump. Neuro- oncology is that the study of brain and neural structure tumours, that are terribly dangerous and serious. Astrocytoma, brain tumour, glioma, multiform, ependymoma, pontine brain excrescence, and brain stem tumours are a number of the exemplifications. Surgery might in some cases be the healthy still nasty brain cancers communicate regenerate and crop from forgiveness simply, particularly extremely nasty cases.

  • Metastatic tumours
  • Skull metastasis
  • Spinal metastasis
  • Peri-tumoral factors
  • Morphological changes
  • Blood- Brain hedge dislocation( BBB)

Neuroplasticity is also called brain physical property and neural physical property that encompasses the 2 confluence and on-synaptic physical property and it refers to advance in neural pathways and synapses thanks to distinction in geste, surroundings, neural processes, allowing, and feelings also on changes preceding from fleshly. The thing of this session is to grasp the brain physical property advances in neurite revamping and the way to extend neural connections. Neurorehabilitation may be a medical system that aims to help recovery from system injury and to devaluate or catch up on any practical differences preceding from it.

  • Cortical remapping
  • Easily taking controlled
  • Ferocious stimulation of disabled brain networks
  • Cerebral paralysis
  • Brain injury
  • Post-polio pattern

Neuropathology is that the study of pathology entered on the sickness of the brain, funiculus, and neural towel. This consists of each central nervous system and also the supplemental nervous system. Neuropathologists generally add a department of anatomic pathology for a identification. Towel analysis seems from either surgical necropsies or post mortem necropsies and this towel samples embody muscle storytellers and beast towel. It’s also associated with forensic drug as a result of nervous complaint or brain injury are frequently associated with cerebral death.

  • Parkinson's sickness
  • Alzheimer's sickness
  • Madness
  • Huntington's sickness
  • Amyotrophic side pathology
  • Mitochondria sickness
  • Neural deterioration within the brain or funiculus

Neurology pivotal care/ ferocious care is one among the most recent and fastest – growing specialties in medicines these days. It a medical field that treats grave conditions of the nervous system confirm, prevents secondary brain injury. The croakers UN agency system this kind of drug are appertained to as neuro intensivists and may have medical education in several fields as well as neurology, exigency, drug medicines, medical specialty, or surgical process. Common conditions treated in neuro intensive care units embody strokes, brain and funiculus injury from trauma, burst aneurysms, seizures, swelling of the brain, infections of the brain and also the smarts or chine's membrane, brain tumours and insufficiency of the muscles demanded to breathe.

The purpose of this sector is to foster the event of a community curious about the sensible and educational aspects of neurology education and with the last word thing to make sure its interpreters will offer take care of those with a nervous complaint. Through donnish publications and analysis we're going to outline clear academic issues and expand academic models to ensure that our graduates stay reflective life-long learners World Health Organization maintain and demonstrate their continued faculty.

With an hourly adding traditional unborn medical specialty diseases are arising to be a lot of common within the public space. The financial and social charges of medical specialty diseases to society are vast. Varied inordinate pharmaceutical associations have rapt off from central nervous system and neurology check up on. This meeting can offer designates an occasion to extend farther profound gests into the approved procedures in clinical trials and jointly tending to the difficulties in neurology examine regarding and by taking a goose at the foremost recent presymptomatic and clinical studies.

Benefits of Attending

Benefits of Participation- Speaker:

  • Worldwide acknowledgment of Researcher’s profile

  • Obtain professional development credits

  • Explore the best in Cutting Edge Research

  • Make Lasting connections at Networking and Social Events

  • An opportunity to give One-page advertisement in abstract book and flyers distribution which eventually gets 1 Million views and add great value to your research profile

  • Learn beyond your field of interest, a change to know more about the new topics and research apart from your core subject from Food and Nutrition

  • We provide unique convergence of Networking, Learning and Fun into a single package

Benefits of Participation- Delegate:

  • Professional Development –Uplift the knowledge and skills

  • Conference attendance inspires, rejuvenates, and energizes delegates

  • Your participation at our conference will be helpful for a new approach and ideology that can be utilized for extending the outcome of companies or industries.

  • Opportunities to meet through online webinar for Healthcare Summit researchers and experts of same field and share new ideas

Exhibitor benefits:

  • One exhibit booth (Size-3X3 sqm).

  • 1-page publication of the exhibitor profile in the souvenir- NEUROLOGISTS MEET 2025

  • Promotion through the conference website.

  • Promotional video on company products during the conference (Post session and Breaks).

  • One complimentary scientific program registration.

  • Logo recognition in the Scientific program, Conference banner and flyer.

  • One A4 flyer insert in the conference kit.

  • An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award

Market Anaylsis

According to WHO 2013, the condition affects 7 out of every 1,000 adults in the world between the ages of 15 and 35. According to a recent WHO research, the US will reportedly have the highest number of diagnosed predominant cases of schizophrenia in 2023 (1,777,333 cases), followed by Japan (454,961 diagnosed predominant cases), and Italy (154,331). Almost 5.4 million Americans have been given an Alzheimer's disease diagnosis as of right now. By 2050, the American Alzheimer's Association expects the number to quadruple to 16 million.

The Meningitis Belt is made up of 26 nations in sub-Saharan Africa and has the highest epidemic risk. Over the past ten years, the disease has been estimated to have caused 700,000 cases and 70,000 fatalities worldwide. The Alzheimer's Society estimates that the combined costs of dementia and stroke would exceed $600 billion by 2030. The annual funding for cancer research is $1.8 billion. In the three highest impairment classes, neurologic issues account for 8 out of 10 diseases, according to a global assessment by the World Health Organization.

Global Market Analysis for Neurology Drugs

The graph shows an examination of the global market for neurology drugs. According to estimates from 2018, the global market for medications for neurology is expected to increase by 3.5% year from 2019 to 2024, from $33.3 billion to $39.4 billion. This is analysed using 2018 data on worldwide market trends. This emphasises the use of neurology in present and future medications. All of these medications are used to treat neurological conditions such brain tumours, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Today, the majority of medications used in neurology are utilised to treat all brain-related issues.


Global Trauma Products

The global market for trauma products is seen in this graph. The market for trauma products was around $4.52 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $8.10 billion by 2025. From 2017 to 2025, this will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7%. With an increase in accidents and injuries, investors have been more interested in these trauma products.



Past Conference Report


The 5th International Conference on Neurologists was held on October 10-11, 2023 at Paris, France. The conference brought together experts from different fields to discuss and share their knowledge on in Neurology and Brain Disorders.

There were so many sessions held during the conference, with each session focusing on a specific topic. The presentations were made by experts from academia, industry, and government organizations. Some of the topics covered in the presentations included Neurology, Brain Disorders, Psychiatry and Psychology and many more.

In addition to the presentations, there were also panel discussions and Q&A sessions where participants engaged in lively discussions on various topics. The conference also provided ample opportunities for networking, which allowed participants to exchange ideas and establish new collaborations.

Overall, the “6th International Conference on Neurologists” was a great success, and it provided a platform for experts from different fields to come together and discuss the latest research and developments in Neurology. The conference was informative, engaging, and offered excellent networking opportunities. We look forward to attending the next edition of this conference that is “6th International Conference on Neurologists” which is to be held in February 20-21, 2025 at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 20-21, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • Behavioral Neurology
  • Blood-Brain Barrier
  • Brain Mapping
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Electrophysiology
  • Epileptogenesis
  • Functional Neurology
  • Movement Disorders
  • Neural Engineering
  • Neural Networks
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Neurobehavioral Disorders
  • Neurobiology Of Aging
  • Neurocritical Care
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Neurodevelopment
  • Neurodiagnostics
  • Neurodiversity
  • Neuroendocrinology
  • Neuroepidemiology
  • Neuroethics
  • Neurogenesis
  • Neurogenetics
  • Neuroimaging
  • Neuroimmune Interactions
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Neuromodulation
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Neuropathology
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Neuroplasticity And Learning
  • Neuroprosthetics
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Neurotoxicology
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Neurotrauma
  • Neurovascular Disorders
  • Neurovirology
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Synaptic Transmission